Creative Spirit Glen Taylor

Glen has been a self-taught artist his whole life even though he made money as a master cabinetmaker for 30 years. In his 30’s and 40’s he had several one-man shows of his large canvases, but now he works in small watercolors and pottery/sculpture and mostly...

Creative Spirit Priscilla Daniels

Priscilla is a self taught artist currently living in Las Vegas Nevada. She works in mixed media, acrylics, oils and inks. In her work she creates imagery that aims to express human experiences, emotions, love, hope, life, and change. Carrie: Welcome Priscilla, when...
Creative Spirit Caoimhe Friel

Creative Spirit Caoimhe Friel

Caoimhe Friel is a Textile artist from County Donegal, Ireland. In 2014, she graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in Textile Art, Design and Fashion from Belfast school of Art where she specialised in Embroidery. She achieved success and recognition with her...