Today on Artist Strong I am going to go all Art Teacher on you. Last time I did, you learned about LINE, an important element of art. Line, one might argue, forms the basis of all visuals. Today, we are going to talk about texture, another important element, which is often created by line.

If you are interested in the arts, even reading through the activities without doing them will help you better understand how artists use texture in their artwork. At minimum I recommend you view the slide show and consider Activity Number 5; there is a big difference between illustrating something and visually portraying a feeling/texture!

Parents out there, you can definitely simplify or take one of these activities to do with your kids on a rainy afternoon. The activity from The Virtual Instructor of draw what you feel could be really engaging. You could have siblings even make bags for each other that you preview and then they have to guess each other’s objects by their drawings!

Based on the Handout I recommend in today's post.

Based on the Handout I recommend in today’s post.

Essential Questions: How is texture important to art?
Objective: To develop an understanding of how artists achieve different textures in their artwork.

Activity One: Mindmap and list as many textures as student can think of… (Don’t remember mindmapping? Click here or view this video).

Activity Two: Review handout on Texture. (I found this image via Pinterest, the original link to it via WestBranch Local Schools in Ohio seems no longer living). Follow instructions on it to draw your own hand and try to draw/achieve different textures.

Activity Three: Artist showcase: Create Word associations with textured artwork. Choose two or three artworks to apply interpretation steps thoroughly. I made a slideshow you are welcome to use. (The artwork on this slideshow was entirely procured from my Artwork That Inspires Pinterest Board).

Activity Four: Watch and learn a bit about Georgia O’Keefe by listening to her talk about her work. Then watch this Biography history of her. Discussion: How does her work harness texture? What does she communicate via her work? How does texture help with this?

Activity Five: Present student with 8 different bags filled with different objects. Without seeing it, student will reach hand in and touch it and try to represent the texture, NOT the object in a drawing. The Virtual Instructor is the first person I know to share this idea.

Exercise from The Virtual Instructor for Texture

Exercise from The Virtual Instructor for Texture

Activity Six: Student will review mindmap and see what else they feel they need to add to complete their definition of texture.

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: Choose one activity to do for yourself, the action of doing helps retain information and grow neural networks in a way that just reading can never do.

If you are looking for more art teacher  or art activity resources, be sure to visit my Art Education Pinterest Board! Happy Creating…