Today on Artist Strong we are going to go all Art Teacher on you. Last time we did, you learned how to develop a dialogue on defining art, and deciding what is good and bad art. It is a good start, but let’s go even more basic. Learning about each element of art will help inform your understanding of artwork and help you articulate your ideas about art! Line, one might argue, forms the basis of all visuals. So, we will begin today with LINE as your first element of art.

If you are interested in the arts, even reading through the activities without doing them will help you better understand how artists use line in their artwork. At minimum I recommend you watch the video on Kathe Kollwitz and consider how her use of line enhanced her message and the meaning in her art.

Line describing transportation

Line describing transportation

Parents out there, you can definitely simplify or take one of these activities to do with your kids on a rainy afternoon. Activity Two could be really fun. You as a family could decide on a theme and create small notecards based on that theme (animal sounds, for example). Then, each person draws their own version and you do a group share at the end. Giggles for all, one can hope!

Essential Questions: What is Line?

Objective: Student will develop an enhanced understanding of the nature of Line as an Element of Art in communicating message.

Activity One: Student will define line by creating a mindmap. What is a mindmap? Check out this link to learn more.

Line describing movement

Line describing movement

Activity Two: Student draws a grid of 3 x 3 x 3 squares on a blank piece of paper. Student will choose one pile of terms (motion vocabulary, emotion vocabulary, travel vocabulary, sound vocabulary). They will then use ONLY line (nonrepresentational marks) to try to communicate each term. Have the teacher or a peer try to guess which term matches which drawing. How well have you communicated the word? Challenge: Do another set of 3 x 3 x 3 of a pile that feels more intimidating to you. (Where did I find this? Link it!)

Activity Three: Consider two works and their use of line in communicating an idea. I showcase Kathe Kollwitz and student chooses one to practice on from the What is Art activity notecards to apply the same analysis to. With Kollwitz film please watch observing use of line and how it helps to convey emotion. Here is a link to a slideshow that introduces this video and her; you are free to use, copy, manipulate!

Activity Four: Student will redress their definition of line and refine it.

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: Choose one activity to do for yourself, the action of doing helps retain information and grow neural networks in a way that just reading can never do!


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