Samantha Bennett is the creator of, dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck from whatever way they’re stuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals.

She is the author of the bestselling, “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” (New World Library).

Originally from Chicago and now based in a tiny beach town outside of Los Angeles, Bennett offers her revolutionary “Start Right Where You Are,” “Get It Done” and “Creative Genius, CEO” Workshops, tele-classes as well as public speaking engagements and private consulting to overwhelmed procrastinators, frustrated overachievers and recovering perfectionists everywhere.

Samantha Bennett is the creator of, dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck from whatever way they’re stuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals.

branding by Jackie Laine

Carrie: Welcome to Artist Strong Samantha. Can you describe to readers your creative interests: how do you express your creativity?

Turns out entrepreneurship is the most fabulous & fulfilling creative project of all, so I’d say my main expression is my business. I write a lot, and I love to do needlework. I also still work as an actor, so that’s fun. My favorite of all, though, is paint-by-numbers. And not ironically – I actually love it.

Carrie: When did you realize you had a super-power to help creatives get organized?

I’ve always loved looking at systems, and I was meeting a lot of creative people who were stuck, procrastinating or otherwise self-sabotaging. In my desire to be helpful, I started devising worksheets, exercises and teachings, and lo, and behold – I found I had created a business.

Carrie: What is the Organized Artist Company?

Well, our mission statement says, “The Organized Artist exists to provide a secure, compassionate, structured, goal-oriented environment for creative people of all stripes. We seek to facilitate growth, enrichment and achievement in all areas of the artist’s life.”

Carrie: What is the biggest tip you apply to your own creative life from the book you wrote entitled Get It Done?


Carrie: Why do you think committing to 15 minutes a day is such an effective strategy for accomplishing goals/tasks?

  1. It immediately overcomes perfectionism. How perfect can something be if you’re only doing it for 15 minutes?
  2. It forces you to take action steps so that you start participating WITH your project rather than just thinking about it and feeling bad.
  3. It’s amazing how much a person can get done in 15 minutes.
Samantha Bennett is the creator of, dedicated to helping creative people get unstuck from whatever way they’re stuck, especially by helping them focus and move forward on their goals.

Creative Spirit Samantha Bennett with her book “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” – photo credit Erin Clendenin

Carrie: What is the largest obstacle many of your clients face and how do you help them through it?

The negative self-talk thing is huge. “Who do I think I am?” “No one cares about this.” “My work isn’t good enough.” I try to remind them that you are a TERRIBLE judge of your own work and you are not your own client/fan/audience — leave room to believe that the thing you think is so lousy might be the very thing that someone else just loves.

Carrie: What strategies do you use to help yourself when you feel “stuck?”

I take a nap. Seriously. Because if I’m stuck, it usually means that I’m trying to do too many things at once, and I’m probably over-thinking everything. So taking some time out to plug back in and refuel almost always works for me.

Carrie: What other projects are you working on at the moment?

I’ve started work on my second book, so that’s fun.

Carrie: What is one creative resource you can’t live without?

Levenger pads.

Carrie: Who/what inspires you?

I live near the ocean, so my daily beach walk fills up my senses. Plus there are usually dolphins and seals and egrets and herons —  it’s hard to be uninspired with all those beautiful creatures around.

Carrie: How do you define Creativity?

Solving a problem differently than anyone else has ever solved that problem.

“Creativity is solving a problem differently than anyone else has ever solved that problem.” (Click to Tweet)

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: Make a commitment to your artistic goals and dreams by saying yes to only 15 minutes a day. Comment below and tell us about the art you plan to create.

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*Sam Bennett headshot – photo credit Janet Barnett