The Artist Strong Rewind

This month, Artist Strong showcases the best of the best. Check in and see: have you missed out on the most read articles on Artist Strong? Read my popular interviews and strategies for your creative success.

People often feel intimidated by the arts. They are embarrassed they don’t know “enough” and worry that even asking the “wrong question” could make them look stupid. What a shame! As a teacher, I believe the only question that is bad is the one unasked (I hear the sighs – it’s true people!). If you are curious and want to learn more about something, then ask your question. I don’t care what fancy gallery you are in or who you are standing next to… your question is important. That’s why I wrote this article: Asking Artists Questions. I want to give people tools to learn about art and help them navigate those very fears. It is the most read article on Artist Strong!

One of my favorite questions to ask artists is about their creative process: what steps do they take as they come up with an idea and develop it into a finished product? I LOVE learning how different strategies work for different creatives and their different media.

“Responsible artists take time to reflect and consider their reasons for creating art.” (Tweet Me!)

If you are a creative, consider taking an afternoon to reflect on your answers to these questions. It can be a great way to prepare for your gallery opening, as well as a means to develop your own understanding of your work.

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: Have you ever held back from asking a question about something you wanted to know? Why? I want to know. Tell me about it in the comments below.

Have your voice heard: take my two question survey and tell me how I can make Artist Strong even better FOR YOU!

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