Ever since I was a small child I had an interest in and love of the arts. It was in middle school and early high school I began to feel validated that my interest was something I was good at, or might be, with time. Unfortunately, it was in my latter years of high school when I heard I was too smart to have a career in the arts.
I moved from one public high school to another between grades 9 and 10 when I moved from Connecticut to New York. The first school was really small, well known for its academics, and yet as I recall had a quirkiness to it: it seemed to acknowledge and celebrate student interests. I played the flute for 8 years because of that school system, not to mention I was constantly in an art room. Despite the fact I was moving to another state, I was given a scholarship for an arts program that was formative for me. It was the first place I worked for hours and hours on an artwork with a deadline and I made something I was proud to call art. I felt found.

We have so many choices to make as young people about our future. It doesn’t get easier when we are older, either. How many people influence our choices?
When I moved to the next high school, it was also known for its academics. But my graduating class had 400 something students in it (might even have been 600, can’t remember). I made LIFE-long friends in that school and had some really positive, rewarding experiences. But one thing I can tell you, I never felt rewarded or encouraged in my art interests the way I was in Connecticut.
As I considered my path Junior and Senior year, I was still determined to have a career in the arts. Family was worried, “How would I make money?” It bothered me, their concern, but I was stubborn. It was a well-meaning counselor that made me start to really reconsider my choices.
Our school offered a program where select students could take additional classes in the afternoons at another school. Most of the courses were of the vo-tech persuasion. One really grabbed my eye. It was afternoon drawing courses and portfolio building classes. How I wanted to go to art school! I knew I needed to develop my skill to be considered for any good art schools. So, I talked to my parents, who actually seemed amenable to the idea and then went and spoke to my counselor.
His reply?
“You are too smart to do that.”
I felt squashed. In the moment, I was angry. I kept taking art classes at school, but felt cornered to finish out my high school experience in a way that was less authentic to my interests. I let other people’s societal views of vo-tech determine my future.

Lots of little girls take ballet as a child. But, to keep dance even just as a hobby, into adulthood?! I’m sure many are told such notions are silly and to “grow up.”
I have always been consumed with the idea of doing things “right” and my parents instilled a strong respect for my elders. So, unfortunately, my naive adolescent self did not stand up to this person and reiterate my true desires. I accepted their advice as truth. (And the not so subtle societal message about the arts started wending its way into my psyche…)
And that is the problem.
SO much of our culture puts art on a pedestal, that can even alienate its viewers, and yet, at the same time, we are either literally or figuratively told the arts are not important. “You can’t make money.” “What can you do with that degree for a career?” and my special moment: “You are too smart for art.”
BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: How have societal expectations impacted your creative interests? Let’s talk about it. Google Plus. Twitter.
Definitely can relate. I have a friend who did very well in school, but he wanted to become a musician. Some people would think it’s a “waste” and that he was “too smart” for that.
By the way, I played the flute for 8 years too. I was very good at it! 😀 Now I’m playing much more piano. Kinda loss passion for the flute.
Hi Jeremy, Thanks so much for sharing. Lots of people have gone through a similar experience. Yay flutists! I love my flute. I need to give it more time. I can play the piano a wee bit, hope to get one for my home in the future and begin the self-taught experience all over again. 🙂
I remember being told almost the same thing with regards to teaching!
It breaks my heart that people are told their hopes, dreams, and interests are below them.
Hi Carrie:
It was following WW II that I asked my parents if I could attend art school. They never discouraged me, or encouraged me. Yet they did remind me of what occupations did show show promise given the current economy. There were no student loans and tuitions were very costly. I went into public service and in reflection I had no regrets. Thirty five years later I found the tuition and did a four year fine arts programme at a Canadian university. I have been practising art now for twenty years! All seems to work out providing one is patient and committed to their dream!
With thanks,
Hi Bruce, What a wonderful story to share, thank you SO much! A most important message: “All seems to work out providing one is patient and committed to their dream!”
I had one teacher who taught social studies in middle school.we were doing a stud on north korea and i put a correct answer nobody else thought of. he called me to his desk, mind you this man was very old, and said you’re smart you know you’re to smart for this anime stuff.
Samuel I hear you! I see you. And you’re too smart to know that one person’s assessment of who you are and what interests you can’t possibly be more informed than YOU about yourself. <3 Art is important, valuable, life changing... and can be a career IF that is something you want for it, too. Art can also just be about having fun. The important thing is checking in with yourself for that answer... for you are the only person who knows the answer.
I’m currently a Sophomore in highschool and everything regarding college is falling down on me. I want to pursue a career in art but I’m extremely worried if I’ll have a stable job. The idea that I’m wasted potential weighs on me every day. I’m bound for college level classes and a straight A student. I can do so many things that will provide me with a stable income, but I have the fear I’m going to have a job that I will hate.
Its choosing between having a job that makes money but I hate it or having a job I love but i’m not making money.
For more specifics, I’m considering a degree in Graphic design or fashion, I know its easier to get a job through graphic design than making it as a fashion designer. But everyone around me says I could do something more like being a lawyer, a forensic scientist, or a writer. I like these things yes, but Its not something I see dragging my feet along in the future. I can handle the weight of having the life on someone in my hands. I just want to create.
Whats the point of taking all these high level classes just to go to a crappy art school and get an art degree…
There is SO much I want to say to you! I’ll be back with a longer response.
I’m currently a Sophomore in highschool and everything regarding college is falling down on me. I want to pursue a career in art but I’m extremely worried if I’ll have a stable job. The idea that I’m wasted potential weighs on me every day. I’m bound for college level classes and a straight A student. I can do so many things that will provide me with a stable income, but I have the fear I’m going to have a job that I will hate.
Applying, choosing colleges, thinking about careers, can feel like a BIG deal. It’s a lot and you may already feel like you have to choose your whole future today. In college you can absolutely change your mind as you explore different subjects. It will help you feel affirmed in your choices.
“Wasted potential” – Using this language already suggests you have internalized messaging that tells you art isn’t important, valuable, or for smart people (much like my high school counselor helping me with college).
I was ranked 22 out of 400 something students in my high school class. I had over 4.0 GPA and I took something like a total of 10 AP classes.
I ignored my art interest, didn’t apply to art school, and here I am still teaching and making art because deep down it’s what I always wanted to do. My “fancy” degrees from Colgate and The George Washington University cost me a lot of money, and may help create my authority on the topics I speak about… but I still wish I had attended art school.
That being said, I also know many artists or writers who chose a career to fund their creative practice because they didn’t want the pressure on their art. Elizabeth Gilbert worked as a waitress for years while she was writing.
There isn’t one right or wrong answer. Life is about testing out different choices to see which actually make us light up and feel most ourselves, and moving away from those that don’t.
Its choosing between having a job that makes money but I hate it or having a job I love but i’m not making money.
This is a false belief that MANY kids are told in HS. Our parents all mean well (most of them anyway) and they revert to what feels safe and familiar to them. They want to keep their kids safe and so one way to do that is to talk about “stable” jobs, AKA the ones they know your cousins, uncles, aunts, or they had and felt secure in.
Here is a list of some jobs in the arts that can have salaries over 60k a year: art directors, fashion designers, industrial designers, special effects animators… I just grabbed a few listed on this link:
Here’s another data source:
There are real labor statistics.
For more specifics, I’m considering a degree in Graphic design or fashion, I know its easier to get a job through graphic design than making it as a fashion designer. But everyone around me says I could do something more like being a lawyer, a forensic scientist, or a writer. I like these things yes, but Its not something I see dragging my feet along in the future. I can handle the weight of having the life on someone in my hands. I just want to create.
Who told you graphic design is easier than fashion? What do you mean by easier? The data above shows fashion can make more money than graphic design.
Artists can absolutely change the world and make it a better place. We literally spend all of our free time consuming the art of others (hello Netflix).
Sometimes when people say these things it also comes from their own history of not owning their true desires and being scared to take those risks. It’s also from a place of love trying to say how much potential they see in you. But that can feel like pressure, too.
Whats the point of taking all these high level classes just to go to a crappy art school and get an art degree…
Are all art schools crappy? If that’s what you think, why attend one? I got a liberal arts degree and focused in art and art history. I wish I had a BFA, but I don’t. And there are some pretty amazing art schools out there that are looking for smart and skillful kids to have in their school. RISD is a great example (albiet an expensive one).
I’m throwing A LOT of information and questions your way in the hopes it gives you a chance to reflect on what you really want and to go for it. I had a loved one choose a career because her parents forced her into it and she daydreamed about walking into traffic on the way home from her first job. It doesn’t have to be that way, and I’m sure your parents wouldn’t want you feeling that way either!
You have all the power here to look inside yourself and forge a path that’s right for you. (And you may decide going into corporate finance, for example, is the answer). You can change your mind. And you can make money in the arts if that’s really what you want.
I so appreciate your commitment to your future and spending time really thinking about this. I want you to know you have time. And you can use the next few years to try things on. Follow people on social (if you have any accounts) that teach or share their job experience in the jobs you are curious about. I just followed a doctor the other day sharing case studies of patients allowing us to try and diagnose what’s wrong! Reach out to a fashion brand you admire and see if you can talk to someone about what it was like to get a job there. Be curious and ask questions. You’ve got this!