Clubhouse is a new social media app that is on the rise. So, what is it?

It’s a platform that’s entirely audio. It’s also in real time. This means there are no recordings and if you don’t join a conversation while it’s happening, you miss out. It’s kind of like joining live panel discussions on your phone.

You can join clubs, which connect people with shared interest and notify you when people from that club host events. Rooms are where people host events and chats and the actual conversation takes place.

So, why should an artist join a platform that has no visual posting except for your profile image?

Here are 5 reasons I encourage you to join:

It’s amazing for networking.

I’ve already met and connected with a few artists I would never have met otherwise. I really look forward to developing relationships with fellow artists here.

The access to experts is real.

I’ve seen rooms with renowned artists like AI Weiwei in them. I also joined a conversation with New York City gallerists who offered their time and free advice on how to get your art seen.

The authenticity of experience is palpable.

If you are as old as I am, do you remember spending hours talking on the phone with friends? The world of communication before texting, sms, AIM? I know I’ve said this before but these are real conversations.

People are immediately accountable for what they say, because they are speaking their words, not typing them. We hear intonation and have the opportunity to follow up when someone says something for clarification. The trolling nature of asynchronous platforms isn’t possible here.

It’s about collaboration and mutual support, not competition.

Any of the rooms I’ve spent time in people are giving freely of their time and wisdom. Some groups actively create free open-source documents filled with recommended artist resources, for example. This environment is ripe for artists to meet, collaborate, and create new work and opportunities together.

This is opportunity to experiment and explore

new and unique ways to fund your art, collaborate and maybe even garner sales. New platforms afford us new perspectives and new ways of looking at the world around us. 

AND here are five clubs artists should join on Clubhouse to get started:

  1. The Artist Lounge
  2. The Art Gallery
  3. Art Appreciation
  4. The Art BusinessAnd… drum roll… (once I host three rooms)


  5. Artist Strong – OUR new community spot for those of you who want to join me for real time conversation, connection, and learning.

I aim to pop on and offer feedback on your art (visible on your Instagram feed), talk shop, and just say hi. Just look for @ArtistStrong

My first feedback session will be held Monday Feb 15th at 3 pm CST. I hope to see you there!

Great Carrie I’m in! Where do I join?!

Want to join Clubhouse? Right now, it’s only for IOS. The Android app is currently in development. Additionally, you have to receive an invite from someone you know on the app already to join. I encourage you to reach out on social media to friends and see if anyone has an available invitation.