by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
I heard an interview with Cal Newport talking about the importance of deep work and decided to pick up his book to read more. As creatives, we naturally incline towards deep work. Making art is a focused, time driven practice. Newport fears our new culture of...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
Artists can feel conflicted about selling or promoting their art because of an association that selling is gross, with agenda, and unethical. That’s why today I share a recent read of mine called People Over Profit by Dale Partridge. Selling doesn’t need to have...
by Carrie | Develop Your Unique Artist Voice
I have a confession to make: I am an art book junkie. When I moved to Dubai from Massachusetts my suitcases were full of clothes. And books. Lots and lots of art books. Today’s Top 10 Takeaways is from The Artist’s Color Manual by Simon Jennings. In the past 200 years...
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