How to Build an Art E-Course

How do you build an art e-course? What topics should you choose to cover? Hi, my name is Carrie and here on Artist Strong I help artists like you refine your skill and develop your unique artist voice. Today I’m going to discuss the evolution of program offerings here...

Creative Spirit Glen Taylor

Glen has been a self-taught artist his whole life even though he made money as a master cabinetmaker for 30 years. In his 30’s and 40’s he had several one-man shows of his large canvases, but now he works in small watercolors and pottery/sculpture and mostly...

Inside Artist Strong

This month I’m doing something a little different for Artist Strong. I want to give you a bit of the behind the scenes running and building this community. Hi, my name is Carrie and I help artists like you refine your skill and develop your unique artist voice. I’ve...

What is arts funding?

There’s been a lot of talk about arts funding lately. I want to think about it. What is it? What does it mean for people, for artists, for taxpayers? Let’s talk about that today. Hi, my name is Carrie on Artist Strong, and we’re going to dig into...