Artist Strong has been a labor of love for nearly 4 years now. I’ve loved every minute of it. It has been a wonderful and fascinating experience to connect with people all over the world and share my understanding and experience of the creative journey with you.

Recently, I’ve been gifted the most wonderful thing: time. As soon as I knew I was leaving my full time job and its many obligations, I knew what would come next. Make art. (Obviously). But, also, I’ve always known Artist Strong is a special space. We have a growing, supportive community and I know we are ready to take it to the next level.

I played lots of Nintendo as a kid and I feel like I just found one of those secret extra lives in Super Mario. Having that extra life, well, I’ve decided. It’s time to take the leap and take extra risk. So, while a lot of work (And I mean a lot! Social life? Wha?) has been going on behind the scenes I am ready to announce upcoming events on Artist Strong.

  1. Website Redesign. Feedback tells me AT is hard to navigate and that load time can be really slow. So, the design gloves are on, as well as some fancy (no, not costume) dresses. Just this week I had my own private dance party as I took a REdiculous number of photographs to help jumpstart the redesign. My goal? You will see the new and improved website launched in May.
  2. Free Ecourse. Paired alongside the redesign, Artist Strong will also offer a free email course that sends participants creative prompts. It will also extend membership to a private community where share your the results of your creative effort! The course is intended for the blocked creative as well as for those who miss their arts based classes in university and high school. Really, for anyone who wants regular creative play in their lives. Register your early interest now to ensure you are part of an Artist Strong first!

I have a lot more in the works (new ebooks, ecourses, some new series based content…) but really, this is enough for now. Balance, right?

I’m so glad to be on this journey with you. Don’t forget to sign up for the regular newsletter to stay inspired and creative. And please, contact me if you have feedback: I’ve created this space for you to grow and learn. It’s because of you Artist Strong will continue to grow, share and learn too!

BE COURAGEOUSLY CREATIVE: Sign up for the newsletter if you haven’t already and register your interest for the free email course coming soon!