Creative Spirit Court McCracken

Creative Spirit Court McCracken

Court McCracken is a visual artist, author, and creativity cultivator. Court’s visual art is based on natural patterns of movement, decay, and growth. Court also speaks and writes about nurturing creativity as a part of a healthy life. She believes each of us have an...
Creative Spirit Annie Hamman

Creative Spirit Annie Hamman

Annie Hamman is a mixed-media artist from South Africa. She is 38 years old and resides in a beautiful tourist town by the sea, Hermanus, with her filmmaker husband and a toddler artist Tallulah Jade Rainbow. Carrie: Welcome Annie, how would you describe your art to...
Creative Spirit Shai Ford

Creative Spirit Shai Ford

Shai Ford is an artist, jewelry designer, and handmade artist/artisan business coach. When she’s not playing with metal or helping other artists turn their art into a sustainable business, she’s chasing her two kids or working as a peace activist. Carrie: Welcome to...