How to Make More Art


  1. Carrie

    Hi Nadine! I didn’t know where I was going for a long time. It’s totally part of the journey <3

  2. Carrie

    Catharina I’m so glad you are inspired by the accountability discussion and the calendar. I LOVE that you are using star stickers! I am totally buying myself stickers to do the same thing. 🙂

  3. Tammy VanAntwerp

    I committed to creating everyday in November, even if it was for only 15 minutes and I was able to stick to that commitment! And I’ve carried that over to December. I will be going out of town for a couple of days so I plan to take my journal and markers with me so I can sneak some art in when I’m between meetings. Deciding that I didn’t have to complete a piece of art every day has really helped me stick to daily arting!

    • Carrie

      Tammy that is awesome. Bringing something and work small can be a great way to keep up your efforts. 🙂 And what a good idea: we shouldn’t have to finish an artwork everyday unless it’s something that motivates us and keeps us going.

  4. Kathleen Jackson

    I am just trying to get my portfolio together, I been told my art is relaxing, . I think you have great ideas, helps alot, thank you.

    • Carrie

      Kathleen thank you for being part of this space! What a wonderful compliment to get about your art 🙂


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