Continue to Foster

Your wonderment at the world of art and your excitement at the idea of participating in it
Your inner child → give yourself that permission to play and explore new materials and ideas
Your desire to make time for your creative play → this time improves your mental and physical health, which are two very important reasons to create


Sometimes may feel nervous to buy expensive or valuable supplies because it feels like wasting them – it’s not – you are worth it
Your inner critic is worried about lack of skill and trying to protect you but don’t worry: you aren’t running from a saber-toothed tiger and you are more than capable of developing skill

Resources for the Curious Creator



Do you feel stuck when it comes to art? Do you miss creating, have no new ideas, or are just nervous and new to starting? In this free month long mini-course you will be offered pep talks AND art play activities to get you creating again. We all deserve it. Click on the button below to get stARTed!

JumpstART your art with a month of activities to get you creating

Enjoy 10 free coloring book pages and 10 days of creative coloring prompts.

Coloring is a great activity that helps you disconnect, slow down, and be present in your life. If you are seeking some stress relief, family bonding activities, or creative playtime this is the challenge for you!

Enjoy a 10 Day Coloring Challenge

Join me for a 4 part video series and webinar workshop where we explore:

  • The benefits of working in altered books
  • How to choose the right book
  • The techniques you should use to prepare your book for making art
  • 3 Ways you can prepare the backgrounds of your pages and get making!

How to choose and prepare your altered book

These archetypes are not black and white, instead they exist more on a continuum. This means we can jump around between archetypes or sometimes straddle two of them. Curious about the others? You can learn more about the remaining archetypes by clicking on the related image below.

How you can help support the arts

If you find these free resources valuable please consider a one-time donation or becoming a patron.